
Archive node

It's necessary to sync your node from the earliest to latest version of c4ed

sudo systemctl stop c4ed

c4ed tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home ~/.c4e-chain/ --keep-addr-book\

Set prune to "nothing" on app.toml

sudo nano "/home/ubuntu/.c4e-chain/config/app.toml"

Start the node

Sudo systemctl start c4ed

journalctl -fu c4ed -g block

Your can see now that your node is syncing from the first blocks make sure to upgrade the node on every chain halt message to the next version (for example v1.0.1) as you can see on our node installation guide (Migration)

RPC Node

sudo systemctl stop c4ed

Sudo nano /home/ubuntu/.c4e-chain/config/config.toml

Go to the RPC Section

Replace the ip from to and select your desired port

laddr = "tcp://"

Start c4ed

sudo systemctl start c4ed

Now you can access your rpc endpoint from your browser using your public ip and port

for example http:


sudo systemctl stop c4ed

Sudo nano /home/ubuntu/.c4e-chain/config/app.toml

Go to the API Section

Check if the api is enabled on enable = true

and swagger = trueif you want the swagger also

Replace the ip from to and select your desired port

address = "tcp://"

Start c4ed

sudo systemctl start c4ed

Now you can access your api endpoint from your browser using your public ip and port

for example http:

Last updated